Recently, my partner and I discussed travelling overseas to see his mother who is elderly and frail. He kept saying "I don't want to travel alone, come with me". To me, I only heard: "He didn't actually ask ME to travel with him". The way he said it, I felt he may as well could have anyone travelling with him - his son, or anyone, Donald Trump, Julia Gillard! I started feeling really hurt because he didn't actually say: "Nikki, I want you to travel with me." In my heart, I really wanted him to choose me. I was waiting for an invitation from him to invite ME, I needed confirmation that no-one else would do, that I am special to him, and I am the person he wants by his side. ![]() When we have thoughts about our partner's actions, some these thoughts can really hurt, for example, "He didn't ask me to travel with him". And this means: "He doesn't love me." So lets take this to enquiry using a few questions and then we will flip the statement a few times. Is this thought true? Can I absolutely know that this thought is true? How do I react when I believe the thought? Who would I be without the thought? Now turn it around to the opposite, the self and the other.
He does love me Find three places in your life where that is true.
Find three places in your life where that is true.
Find three places in your life where that is true.
Actions, Insights and Realisations: 1. Action: I need to own this - clean up my mess and repair where I can with my partner so that next time this happens we are clear, I am clear and he feels honoured, respected, and supported as am I. 2. Realisation: I was so desperate to hear him claim me and save me in my Cinderella world that I didn't show up for him when he needs me and my support. I didn't think about 'We' - I just thought about 'Me'. He is simply a reflection of how I come to the relationship. The couple bubble of us two together was replaced with me in my corner, and you in yours. This needs to be repaired, as soon as possible. This is where I would use non-violent communication and method III - communicating in a way that allows us both to get our needs satisfied. 3. Insights: I say things to please people but don't follow through on them. I did say to his mother that I would be coming with him and now I am not. I need to repair this too as I do feel guilty about this lack of integrity.
![]() Have you ever had a traumatic experience where you saw something disturbing but didn't feel upset until a few days afterwards? When we experience stressful events, we may not fully experience the effect of those events until after the event has happened. This is because our mind speed doesn't always equal our body speed. We may experience a 'delayed reaction' that can cause us to feel anxious, to numb out on alcohol, food or cigarettes or worse, experience depression. Lets take a closer look. The body sends out signals, but the mind doesn't always pick up on the alerts until it really starts to register an uncomfortable feeling in the body. We may feel heat in the tummy or lightness in the chest for example. Don't worry - its temporary, and it will go away however, over time, the more we ignore it, the more the sensation can intensify, especially if our stress levels are already high. Anxiety is the body's way of signalling to the mind "Hey! The Fire Truck is out and ready to address the threat, but the Alarm Bell in the head is unplugged!". The trouble is, by the time we feel the sensation, very often it is difficult to pinpoint the origin of the anxiety. This is where EFT comes in. Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple tapping method that helps to identify what is behind our anxiety by tapping on the acupressure points connected to the hypothalmic points in the brain. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain responsible for fight or flight so when the nervous system is elevated, it is important to learn how to connect body to mind so that body-mind talk can happen, and the threat the body perceives, can be converted into words. When this happens, and there is an inner dialogue between body and mind and this is what I call 'bodytalk'. When this dialogue happens, just like magic, the anxiety signals experienced in the body, become settled and vanish. If you would like to learn more about EFT, then I invite you to attend the my 1 day workshop detailed in the Events page in July at the Relaxation Centre of Queensland. We will learn how to do EFT and you will get to experience first hand the wonders of this technique. Image courtesy of (c) |
AuthorI am passionate about being the catalyst for change for the better, supporting the greater good to create causes and conditions to benefit everyone down the track. Archives
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