Mindfulness TrainingMindfulness is a key skill that supports peak performaning teams. It facilitates peak performing teams by allowing staff members to be present, intentional, frank, succinct and to challenge their own assumptions. Mindfulness is simply about paying attention to attention (John Kabat-Zinn). This can lead to improved relationships, increased self-awareness, and self regulation while being calm under pressure.
The Business Case![]()
The business case for emotional intelligence. Mindfulness underpins emotional intelligence. When your team is in a positive emotional state, they are best placed to access peak performance.
Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence - (Tailored to Suit Your Needs)When we stressed, burnt out, tired, overwhelmed, and in distracted, our minds simply don't generate great ideas or create great organisations.
When combined with the proven phenomenon of 'emotional contagion', teams can lose their access to peak performance. To enable peak performance, and to allow the mind to attain a state of 'flow', you and your team need to feel calm, conscious and connected. The skills required to enable these attributes are mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Mindfulness underpins emotional intelligence and places you and your team in the best emotional state to perform the work you came to do. Scientifically proven, Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence) and John Kabat-Zinn (Mindfulness) have presented guidelines and the business case for why we should be using mindfulness and EQ in the workplace. Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence can help you and your team in the following ways: